Tuesday 26 August 2008

Capture and Escape

Setting off from town with out any outside aid the group think they can scout the area locate the ruins and determine the level of threat posed to the town by the marauding kobolds

Not far out of town the group is ambushed by a group of well armed kobolds, use the same tactics that served them well with the last time the group, the hero’s leap into the action the cleric surges forward the thief steps in to the trees and quickly emerges in the thick of fray behind the unsuspecting creatures and the wizards utters spells under his breath, and the ranger readies his bow on the most dangerous target,

Heartbeats pass swords clashing on shield and scale, arrows and magic bolts streak into the distance but the kobolds spears and javelin strike a much closer home, trained and much tougher well organized these creatures put up much more of fight. A dark robed cleric leads sortie bolstering his wounded combatants keeping them in the fray.

The thief is overwhelmed dragged the ground assaulted from all sides, the shock of the bloody carnage makes the clerics faith waver and miscast her rallying healing prayers, with out the correct intonation the words have no power,

The creatures surge forwards with cover from the undergrowth, the party is split no one is spared grievous wounds, slipping into the Feywild the elves of the group regain consciousness and use there teleportation to slip away wile the kobolds capture there friends,

Stealthily Buffy and Alander stalk the kobolds as they take there companions in chains cross country into the wilds, thought not understanding there draconic language the party fear if they do not act fast the creatures get to there lair where they will probably have larger numbers and there captured comrades will be sold into slavery or worse eaten, the of the party are hesitant as the creatures are on the look out for the one’s that got away they quickly make there way to a hidden underground lair as the base of the Shadowfel keeps ruins,

Finnan and alder waken in chains in small cubical stone cells with long rusted iron bars,
They are taunted by a hobgoblin thought they are too dishevelled from the battle the hobgoblin and kobolds start to celebrate there recent victory and new slaves they expect to sell on the at the Bloodreaper clans next visit

At dawn Buffy and Alander sneak in the complex past a few goblin guards at dawn the goblins are more subdued and fail to notice the intruders,

Finnan and Ranger prepare there escape they each managed to over come the ancient locks on there cells and realise there is also an incarcerated goblin cell mate called Splug,

Just are they release there own door mechanisms the doors to the prison burst open and in come Bluff and Alander ,

Using magic to mask there sounds and illusion on the lighting Finnan causes distraction and hides the sound of fight from the rest of the complex, Buffy and Alander quickly dispatch the groggy and drunk captors, re-arming they stalk in the rest of the complex rather then head straight for the exit they realise this is the complex they where destined for

thought wounded at a bit battered they decide it would be better to act with swiftness of surprise and finish this goblin threat once and for all, with out knowing the numbers they prepare to assault the strong hold from with in hopeing to find the goblin tribal leader and putting an end to his plans and escaping alive

Resting enough to tend the worst of there wounds the party decided to leave the few guards by the entrance and they begin warily check the other corridors for signs of life,

they indeed find more goblin life, not expecting an attack the 1st few goblins fall quickly and quietly with out raising an alarm while deciding what to do with the bodies they party are interrupted by a wondering goblin who wails his surprise!

The whole complex is alerted the sound of booted feet with guttural swearing and shouts echo’s thought the complex yet again caught between several groups the adventures prepare to fight for there life and expect not to be taken for prisoners this time!

Newly awoken goblins surge forward, the Ranger blocks the doors way preventing an over powering swarm of creatures,
Finnan evokes his most powerfully spell a glowing spear of elemental fire under his control he like wise directs this ball into a door way and room, scorched flesh and scream are left in its wake,

Buffy and Alander are face with a kobold mage and a large fat wart covered goblin the exchange of fire arcane and shadow dagger and bolt goes on for an ages kobold and goblin bodies litter the halls more well armoured goblin guards arrive which prove more of challenge, Celestial prayer energy from Alander keeps the party on its feet thought they waver they manage to turn the tide and seeing his minions fall the Fat Goblin Balgaron flees with his mage in to a secret passage, the flaming elemental balls sets fire to its surroundings, smoke fills the rooms, using his telekinesis powers Finann manages to obscure the group from a shower of arrows briefly though there leader has fled the goblins are defending there home and the archers and guards press the fight, buffy blades flash across several goblinoid throats and the adventures group push back the assault leaving dead goblin corpses piled high they barricade them selves in a secure room, praying the assault will not be renewed soon

They prepare to have and unsettled rest.