Sunday 6 July 2008

Unfolding the Adventure of the Forgotten Realms, Cormyr, Winterhaven

One summers morning 4 friends meet in the Silver Unicorn, a tavern in Fallcrest a new town in the forgotten realms campaign setting, situated in Cormyr close to the Thunder peaks, a dangerous Orc, Dragon and other monster infested place a border of the more civilised lands that are patrolled by the Cormyrs defensive force the Purple dragons, but the rich and fertile farming land makes this a risk worth taking for the Fallcrest and Winter haven are small communities of self reliant people an outpost of light in the dark world

Our hero’s feeling like not much is going on in there mundane lives they decide to set about there paths and leave there home town, Individually at first.

Altair a half eleven ranger skilled woodmans and deadly with bow and sword alike takes a commission from a local lord Rigel to scout the land around the thunders peaks and report any finding of ruins and keeps, and even help clear and monster infestation so Rigel can mount a archaeological investigation, no certain facts where given just sortie in to dangerous lands to access the situation.
(What are lord Rigels motives?
What’s he expected to find/Face?)

Buffy a mercenary elderain female seeks new an exiting location in the prime world and to claim what ever treasure she find in the name of her family, skilled in stealth and deadly strikes she’s not above hiring her arms skills out to the highest bidder especially if it takes to wild new locations
(Not a piety thief but not above looting corpse and robbing forgotten graves)

Alandar a Cleric of Tyr and justice, being a skill with weapons and the ways of the world he is a diplomat ambassador of the faith, where books, words and chats fail he’ll step up with rallying call and lead his companions to a more virtuous path, currently he been give a mission of the church to track down a rogue sect of a evil cult that had been seen travelling to Winterhaven and lost track of
(Who is Kalael? Whats he capable of? Whos he working with? Whats he working towards?)

Finnanne a wandering gypsies Halfling wizard can turn his hand to anything he currently seeks to find an old mentor, and is also collecting dragon lore, items and stories
(What moral ground will he walk in order to achieve power?)

Each comes to the regular Tavern for the regular weekly beer and gossip bard fulled party to tell his companions his plan to leave and as they discuss there plans to leave the town they discover there travelling the same way, they plan to leave together and the miss the headline act bardic act of Clanfae that very next night

The next night and instead leave the relative safety of the wall town behind and head on the out on the road, planning to stop in a Tavern stead road house over night before reaching Winterhaven

On the road they are attacked by a small band of shifty Kobold bandits, its nearly a fight to the death with Buffy getting mortally wounded blinded by range she presses the fight even when brought back from the brink of unconsciousness by Alandar, her unstopped fury is almost quelled again when at the last moment Altair send a carefully aimed arrow between her and the final frenzied kobold

Shocked that there 1st outing was so deadly some being to down leaving the comfort of the weekly tavern and bard song, but they patch up there wounds and continue to the safety of road side tavern

There night is not a peaceably one either they arrive at the “Gilded Lady” a fortified road tavern with a wooden palisade around a stable, a smithy, a well, and a ruined tower

The tavern’s quite is disturbed when a group of Sembian ruffians, they attempt to distrac the taverns local patrons telling them to check on there horse or seek business else where, our party ignores the ruffians who begin to taunt a middle again patron keeping him self to him self, taking offence the party stand up for the outnumber man, Alandar trys to talk down the leader, No strong argument was put forward, no offer of money or consequenses so the talk only leads to further enrage bands leader to turn his blade upon them,

things go badly for the ruffians quickly and they attempt to flee only the leader Yorik Grayson escapes, but they manage to capture and question one of the gang who was only a hired hand, the group end her evil ways a disquietingly sickening act.

The middle aged man a priest name Gavin, asks the party to travel to Winterhaven and seek to aid the local priest Lorana, who they believe has uncovered a plot of the sinister Shar , through visions and dreams during her communion, Gavein hope to seek aid from a larger city while the heroes investigate and help bolster Loranas ranks,

The group also learn rumours of a White dragon and his kobold clan plaguing the road they arrive in winter haven the next day the towns militia guard are training then they arrive

The spend the day settling in to town and meeting local people, (no new people have joined the town for at least 5 years)

Priest(Lorna) - she had dreams of undead riseing up attacking the city, dark symbols she believe a cult of Shar has stirred up trouble but has no proof,

Lord(Padraig)- trusted and capable leader - does no believe resources should be wasted on dreams

Captian of Arms,(Jerik)

Talkative Elder(Elan) knows of dragons, know most of the locals, and its histories

a Rude Ranger(Niren), she accepts company in the tavern grudingly

and Feisty Dwarvern smith(Coalstriker) woudl be willing to join the party test out his weapons knock up a few kobolds and bring back trade to the town, make a name for his weapons.

They Find that Finanna's mentor Dooven was seen here not long ago but has no been seen for some time, last seen heading south west.

Finanna also makes a few finds and directly helps him self to some items from Lord Padraig armoury

They find maps to a dragons disputed burial ground and also a supposed hide out of local kobolds
So next week do they set out for one of these or try and find the keep or find more infomation about the town and its locals

Bards tales tell of Brave Dale champions helping refugees escape the Shades tyrinical clutches or surviving treks though the Thunderpeaks facing fearsome foes, most recent news is of a paladin of light travelling on behest of his church to the frontier to deal a blow to the force of darkness
And Bards also tell of Lost magic towers to whom no owners have not been seen since the spell plague 100 years before and the treasure said that may still linger
Final Bardic news is of a Grand Celebration of a Halfling lords birthday up and coming